So, first AoS tournament was always going to be with Lumineth, but it wasn't long before I was going to settle back into my favourite faction across GW properties - Chaos. Of the various Chaos factions, I technically owned about half a mortal Tzeentch/Khorne list and enough demons from 40k for any of the gods but Blades of Khorne had huge vibes of my favourite codex made by GW - the Khorne Daemonkin book from 40k in 7th edition.You remember 7th edition right, back when Eldar were broken with neigh on invincible Wraithknights, near impossible to interact with Warp Spiders vomiting out damage with armies turning to mass non-los shooting to deal with them? So glad that sort of meta never came back (this joke works better if you pretend it still pre-dataslate.) But Daemonkin with mix of mortals, daemons and a really awesome blood tithe table was a great book then, and it's a shame it never really came back in 40k with allies not having the same feel.
Stormcast and Khorne cavalry charge headline into each other as Bloodletters wait for their chance to pounce. |
Blades of Khorne were also a surprisingly well-rounded faction for a Khorne army - even if I ended up taking virtually no shooting, the option to add decent shooting from Skull Cannons was a real draw. Speaking off, my early lists revolved around Skull Cannons (which I liked but couldn't get to work well enough) and Skarbrand (who is awesome, but I could never get use to how fragile he was compared to 40k) so ended up on going in heavy on a Bloodlords build.
So easy stuff first, Bloodletters really good in a faction that gives them mortals on 5's on the charge, who knew? I owned 40, so they all went in (with 10 spares acquired to potentially be summoned in. For support two Heralds, one to sit at the back, stab himself and get some blood tithe via his prayer, and the other with Killer Instinct to move a Bloodletter unit up and Halo of Blood to fight first and get a Bloodletter unit to fight after to allow me to go - Herald/Bloodletter fight first, other Bloodletter unit first pick in normal activation and get some brutal charges. The Bloodsecrator added to this by giving the army +1 attack one per game for the turn where I needed that brutality. The Bloodthirster (God I'm going to be so tired to typing blood by the end of this) was more a support piece than damage dealer, with Bronzed Flesh to defend a unit, King of Blades to turn of Wards and ability to give a unit 3d6 charge to really make the Bloodletters likely to get that charge off. I wanted a big unit of Skullcrushers - these initially started off as Bloodcrushers but I switched wanting the 2+ save to combo with Bronzed Flesh with some chaff from the Reavers/Hounds to round out the list:
Mistake I didn't realise until writing this up - sub faction should say Bloodlords. My opponents were aware of my choice on the table. |
List felt good in practice games, even if I lost both games with the version of the list above! Going into the event I wanted an improvement in play more than results a "stronger" 3/2 than the one I had achieved at LGT - still plenty to learn but wanted to avoid any losses where I felt I had control at one stage and make the defeats closer. Basic plan was simple - threaten early charges with the Skullcrushers, move up aggressively with them then let the Bloodletters charge whatever crashed into them.
Game 1 - Towers in the Tundra v Michael Cook's Kharadon Overlords
23 - 8 win to Blades of Khorne
Postgame - Always nice to get an early win on the board to settle into an event. This went better than anticipated with game over as a contest very early. KO realised that 18 away isn't a safe distance from Khorne the hard way with double moves and 3d6 charges to the fore costing them the early loss of their flagship, which followed by the double turn realistically ended the contest. Fighting for pride on the left flank the KO did manage to clear a wave to keep the score in check but couldn't clear the bodies enough to stop Khorne victory.
Game 2 - Nexus Collapse v Daniel Smith's Stormcast
Pregame thoughts - Onto Stormcast and a teleporting Wizard meaning that my grand strategy was only going to come up if Stormcast were happy to take a huge risk to theirs which seems really unlikely. Having more drops meant that Stormcast could react to my turn one and choose to remove objectives if they chose which I really didn't want. So double bad news - on the bright side, Stormcast didn't seem to have many ways to deal with the Skullcrushers so an early pin was potentially on. Standard gameplan - push crushers up, use as anvil then counterattack into the middle and threaten flanks.
Blades of Khorne win 24-16.
Postgame thoughts - First off - great to get the win, with Bloodletters really doing the heavy lifting, not for the first or last time, but a niggling feeling at the score. This is one where things went very well initially taking out the Stormcast Carvery and holding the mid board solidly which did end up with me winning the game, but I was unable to shake Stormcast on points and had to get a few larger than comfortable dice rolls to keep the game away from them. Fair play to my opponent, from a tough position they harassed my flanks over and over again expertly to keep their scoring ticking over and it wouldn't have taken many failed charges and me not winning a late double turn to turn it into a really tight scoreboard scrap despite dealing some heavy blows. One was my overall gameplan early worked well, but my micro level could have better to shut Stormcast out more effectively.
Game 3 - Lines of Communication v Luke Skelton's Flesh Eater Court
So, I had played different version of KO and Stormcast recently enough, but Flesh-Eater courts was an almost entirely new challenge - the last time I'd played it was in the first edition of AoS were I recall a Hellcannon blasting them apart with a 12-mortal wound barrage on a key turn. No Hellcannon this time (I miss using that model, hoping it comes back at some stage, really cool iconic unit.) No real idea of what Flesh-Eaters could do, although a lack of mortals and potentially rend meant that I was hopeful the Skullcrushers could jam something up. With less drops, I wanted to threaten a double so gave away the first turn even aware I could get charged early.
Result - 28 - 8 Win for Flesh Eater Court.
Postgame thoughts - Aggh, frustrating game. It almost went so well - early Ghoul King on Terrorghiest death, double into a big turn to get early Bloodletters charge unleashing a barrage of mortals. So, what went wrong? The easy answer is the multiple ways to get Horrors back and mass of summons created a mass of bodies that I couldn't overwhelm with my damage output. The more nuanced option though was probably Bait and switch - it forcing units back into awkward positions probably didn't cost me the game by itself but meant it was hard to get units like the Bloodthirster into place at the correct time and not stopping the Horrors ward meant the unit could survive, regen and subsequently overwhelm. Little positing things here (and in previous game to lesser extent) are still things I need to work out and think ahead a bit more on. As someone that prided themself on fight phase minutiae as point of difference in 40k, its bit hard to swallow that I'm behind the curve in AoS in this regard, something to work on.
Game 4 - Power Flux v Alexander Theophanous's Skaven
Pregame thoughts - A rare moment of confidence prior to this, which might have been totally unfounded - I just seemed to have much more wounds with equal or better saves and whilst Skaven had some damage dealers it wasn't like I was short on that either with the Bloodletters. Mission however, much less confident about and when I started to hear all the potential buffs on the Verminlord I did get much more worried. Mission giving points for Andorian Locus on objectives meant that in any sort of passive game over the two objectives in either deployment I was going to lose and lose badly especially given I was pretty sure Skavens battle tactics were going to be easier to score than mine. This meant I had to be aggressive, and also wanted to try and go second as much as possible to make the two no-man's lands objectives active and if Skaven wanted the extra point they were going to have to put their Grey Seers in harm's way.
24 - 8 win to Blades of Khorne
Post game thoughts - Very happy with the result. Early turns went about as well as I could hope - forcing Skaven into committing into Skullcrushers and brutally counter attacking whilst keeping objectives in the midfield alive so could keep level on scoring whilst focusing on damage. Taking out both Verminlords in a turn was obviously huge, and both I think exactly dying was a stroke of luck. From there, the Gutter runners were the only real threat and when Skaven had to result to things like Arcane bolt through Khorne magic defences it was a very good sign.
Game 5 - Fountains of Frost v Zach Bair's Fyreslayers
Pregame thoughts - So going into this round this was table 2, with potentially 3 people in the running to win the event, both on table one, and potentially me depending on how that result went. Fyreslayers I'd fought before and I had three big advantages in the match up - Skullcrushers being super resilient to anything Fyreslayers could put out outside the Magmadroth, the Bloodthirsters turning of the wards being brutal and the fight first herald allowing me to charge their Fights first units and still getting to hit. Also helped that again I got my Grand Strategy for turning up to the table which was nice, and I could turbo speed units quicker than Fyreslayers. Familiar plan - pressure with Skullcrushers, counterattack in middle hope for double.
Less drop and no danger of getting charged turn one - set up ready to go second with Hounds/Reavers on flanks for Surround and Destroy rather than screening duties. |
Blades of Khorne win 27-14
Postgame thoughts - Really fun win to end the event - having gone through most of the LGT winging it for battle plans it was nice to plan a little further head when facing armies, a second time and I was very happy with most of my play here. The real question was when to commit the Bloodthirster to the fray - I'd have ideally liked to keep him back until he could multicharge with a Bloodletter unit into the Magmadroth but I felt like that wasn't a realistic option and it was better to use him early. Fyreslayers had to waste a turn to take him out and forcing the Magmadroths double fight meant Fyreslayers were never breaking the deadlock which after an early objective swing meant it was a losing uphill battle from them thereon out.
So finished second overall with only loss to event winner which certainly was a great result. I really enjoyed the list - I was a little unsure about it going in having pangs of wanting to bring Lumineth but it was a lot of fun in practice. Game style of dominate mid board, bad secondary scoring but potential to deny points via shenanigans is very 9th CSM and naturally prefer its bit more aggressive approach to Lumineths. As for the list - Bloodletters the stars, no question. Bulky if not tough per say and brutal on the charge only question would be should I take more of them or does that take up too much space. A+ would use to take skulls again. Heralds and Bloodsecutor were great supporting these in their different ways and go into the overall package nicely, even if they didn't do a lot by themself (Bloodsecutor I think failed to kill anything and survived every game to win the least-Khorney unit award.)
Spoils of the day - a trophy and a few goodies. Not picture goodie bag with few more bases/tokens which was awesome. |
The Hounds and Bloodreavers fall into - useful for secondaries and something need to do the job, but neither were great. Hounds were better, Reavers cheaper, both were a bit eh. Hounds have been great against me in the past and I'd probably run more of these especially given how I feel around Skullcrushers now who were by far the least impressive unit. Hurrah, 2+ save with potential Bronze Flesh and All out defence for 0+ save? Thats insane, how can anything crack that? Watch this, said everyone I played apart from KO, who tore them apart quickly enough. They screened well and allowed me to give Stormcast a double turn, but two layers of Flesh hounds probably do the same thing, give extra deny and cost much less. Given there points certainly getting the drop from the list for next time and rely on more bulk from number of wounds than saves to tank in future and can potentially either drop a priest or free up a player for a different option than Bronzed Flesh as well (which was nice on Letters/Thirster but rarely critical.)
In terms of what to add - Skarbrand stands over like an ominous shadow - honestly just more Bloodletters feels like probably the right, if dull option. 2 10's can screen, be an extra blood tithe and deal some real damage if not respected. I'd like to test some more of the mortal side, Wrathmongers I really considered but it was hard enough getting everyone were I needed as it was without extra bodies in the way (something Skarbrand has in his favour.) Also really liked the Herald on Blood Throne in test games - has a great prayer to bring Bloodletters back and just ran out of points to fit him in and certainly want to try him again.
In terms of personal play - generally happy with how I did but still got away to go. Still some fight phase tricks to learn how to screen/position against being the main work on (as mentioned above, bit hard to admit as was good at this in 40k.) Playing around double turn is something that still needs work - was happy I was seeing opportunities to do so against Fyreslayers with murderlust but not something actively thinking about. Bloodtithe the other big work on - I wasn't great at using it in a little and often role with the key example being not using it to dispel hoarfrost which probably doesn't change the game from a loss, but keeps it as a scrap for longer. Learning to play around some battle tactics the last big work on - but this requires more games and exposure to different lists. Still an event with some serious learnings (awesome prize support/lunch/cool goodie bag for everyone as well) and list changes to make is a great place to be.
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