
Showing posts from April, 2024

Death Guard burn their way to winning the Woking Wargames April RTT

It had been awhile since I'd run any Death Guard at an event, but the April RTT at Woking Wargames was a great chance to do so. CSM weren't setting any fire alight in my heart (get to about 1000 points of nasty damage then feel sad for the last bit) and with codex hopefully coming soon it was time to look elsewhere. With a teams event in may I'd trying and enjoying Imperial Guard, but was still 'modernising' my collection and had a few too many proxies even for a relaxed tournament and whilst I had fun playing Imperial Guard, literally every opponent I'd played regardless of build (or lack of indirect) hadn't had fun.  Mortarion tangles with Custodes in the middle of the battlefield. With that in mind I wanted to see wanted to see how well DG did into Necrons, feeling they had good options into Wraiths and Morty gave an interesting way to fight C'Tan. Given I knew Denis, one of the best Necron players in the country was at a RTT it felt like a chance to ...