Trying to work out if Possessed combo's are CSM's next best combat threat at the Woking Wargames Tournament
So, after getting hooked on 40k tournaments in 9th it took much longer than expected to go to my first in 10th. Typically, GW saw my leave of absence and decided this was the time to finally make CSM top tier whilst I was off before presuming battering them down into the dregs now, I'v e returned (not paranoid I promise.) Still when the tournament popping up at my old local shop and I've slowly changed my mind after a lukewarm start to 10th - I still don't like some of the lack of interactivity strats (lone op strat s and moving units away when you try and get close I really hoped was an index thing that would go away when Codex's started coming out) but it's certainly in a much healthier place than it was. CSM bring to the fight to Mortarion as DG prepare a counter attack. I wasn't even sure I was going to take CSM - since returning to 40k (mostly in a series of low key casual games against my newly initiated into the hobby brother) I'd mostly settl...