
Best in Faction (Chaos) with Pactbound Zealots at Beachhead Brawl (201 player Super Major)

 Beachhead has been one of my favourite tournaments for awhile now, I think its now the one I've been to most (4th time.) Partly its because its a nice venue which isn't tooo far with a lot on, partly its because the other events means I go down there with one of my brothers now who does blood bowl. My other brother was planning on coming but a second child being born the Monday before the event meant he felt he couldn't attend, which feels like prioritising the wrong thing. Normally I try and avoid game one pictures for the banner picture, but if this is a scene your familiar with then I envy your life. As I hinted last week I took CSM. Partly, mostly because I love Chaos (new years resolution play less Chaos going super well) but also with 6 games over 2 days I wanted an army that was easier a few big models or one I was super familiar with. As I didn't feel comfortable with Daemons, CSM it was. Having experimented with all the detachments baring Cult I'd come bac...